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User Profiles and Personalized Notification Settings

Every user can edit their own user profile and notification preferences.  

How to Edit User Profile and Notification Preferences

To edit your user profile and notification preferences:

Click on your profile icon or avatar in the lower left corner of the Dashboard. Select Profile. 

Edit Profile Menu Options


Here you can upload, delete, or update a profile image to use across the platform. This can be a .jpg or .png image and it will automatically be scaled to fit within the circle provided. To update simply click your avatar image.  

Update Password

Enter a new password and confirm. 


This is a personal setting, that may differ from the default company timezone. All timestamps and deadlines shown in the platform will be displayed in the timezone that you set.

Language Settings

ReviewStudio supports a growing list of languages that are used for the Review Canvas tool. If it's supported, the language shown in the Review Canvas will automatically correspond to the default language of your browser. But if you would prefer to override your default setting, you may specify the language of choice by selecting it from the dropdown menu of supported languages. Note that currently our multilingual support is limited to the Review Canvas and emails.  

Note that for Guest Users, we will default to their browser preferences or Locale (under Settings > Configuration). 

Project Notifications

From the Edit Profile menu, you can set your preferences for when and what notifications you’d like to receive. 

Notification Preferences

  • Notify on New Notes - You will receive a notification when someone adds one or more new notes to a Review you are participating in. When you open the Review, any new notes will be identified with a red marker so you can easily find the updated information.

  • Notify on New Tasks - You will receive a notification when someone sets a new task for you to address. If you are an "Admin" you will also receive a notification when someone completes a task in a Review. When you open the Review, any tasks that are assigned to you will be highlighted by a purple bar in the comment header.

  • Notify on Approvals - You will receive a notification as soon as someone approves or rejects any particular file in a Review. The notification will also include any comment associated with that decision.

Notification Frequency

If you select "Immediate" you will receive an email for each action specified. If you select any other period, you will receive a single digest email that provides a summary of any actions performed across your reviews within each time period selected.

Your options range from 1-24 hours.

If you don't change a field (including your password) it will remain as is. Note, that for security and authentication purposes, users cannot change their names or email addresses independently. Only account admins can do so.

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