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Wrike - ReviewStudio Integration

ReviewStudio offers a native integration with Wrike. Reviews and tasks initiated in ReviewStudio can be automatically synced and tracked to projects in Wrike.

This document outlines how to set up and use the ReviewStudio - Wrike integration.  

To Establish a Link Between Your ReviewStudio and Wrike Accounts 

  1. In one browser window, log in to your Wrike account and select the workspace that you want to sync with your ReviewStudio account (note that you can only link one workspace at a time). 

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  1. In your Workspace, you can add multiple folders. In your folders, you can add multiple projects by clicking on Add Item. 

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  1. In another browser tab, log in to your ReviewStudio account.  

  2. Go Settings > Integration from the Dashboard and click on the Wrike button. 

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  1. You will then need to connect your account. You will be asked by Wrike to grant permission to allow ReviewStudio access to your Wrike account. 

  2. After successfully establishing the connection, click on Sync Workspace and select the specific workspace in Wrike you want to establish the connection with. 

  1. In the Settings > Clients & Projects menu you should now see your Wrike folder listed as a Client and the project showing as Projects. 

  2. Now, when you create a new Review in ReviewStudio you can select the Wrike folder as a client and the Wrike project that you want to associate with the Review. You can continue to set the options (including deadline) and upload any files for review and approval as you normally would in ReviewStudio.

  3. Once you create the Review, it will automatically show up as a task in the Wrike project dashboard with the Due date corresponding to any deadline that you’ve set in ReviewStudio. 

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  1. You can use ReviewStudio to collect feedback and approvals on the content in the Review. Any content-related tasks that are assigned in ReviewStudio will show up as open sub-tasks of the main Review task in Wrike. 

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