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Kantata - ReviewStudio Integration

To Establish the Integration Between Kantata and ReviewStudio

  1. In one browser tab, log into your Kantata account.  

  1. In a separate tab, log into your ReviewStudio account. 

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations in ReviewStudio and click on the Kantata action menu button. 

  1. Select Connect and grant permission for ReviewStudio to access your Kantata account. 

  1. After the connection is established, click the action menu again and select Sync Workspace to choose the Kantata workspace you wish to connect to your ReviewStudio account.  

  1. In Settings > Clients, your Kantata workspace should now be listed as a new Client and in Setting > Projects, any projects in that Workspace should also be listed for that Client.

  1. When creating a new review in ReviewStudio, you can now select the relevant Kantata Client and Project. Set the desired options such as deadlines, and upload the files for review and approval as usual.

  1. Upon creating the review, it will automatically appear as a task in the Kantata project you selected. Navigate to the project and check the task under the task tracker tab. A link to the review in ReviewStudio will show in the task description.  

Kantata Tasks.jpg
  1. A review in ReviewStudio can also be initiated by creating a task in a project in Kanata and applying a “Review” tag to it. Note that the files have to be uploaded to the Review in ReviewStudio.  

  1. Any annotations or comments that are assigned as tasks to the review files in ReviewStudio will appear as subtasks in Kantata with the specified assignees. The subtask will also contain a link to the task in ReviewStudio. When tasks are marked as completed in ReviewStudio, the status of the sub task in Kantata will also update.

    Kantata Tasks2.jpg

  1. By default, ReviewStudio and Kantata will automatically sync every 5 minutes so that any actions taken in one are properly reflected in the other. If desired, you can also sync manually by going to the Settings>Integration menu and syncing the workspace from the Kanata action menu. Note that only tasks in Kantata that have the Review tag applied will be synced.  


  1. Assigning one or more users to a task in Kantata will automatically assign those users as approvers to the corresponding review in ReviewStudio. Reviews can also be shared within ReviewStudio where assigning a user as an “approver” is an option. When a review has been fully approved in ReviewStudio by all “approvers” the Approval status of the task in Kantata will be updated and displayed in a custom column automatically generated for “Review” tagged tasks.  


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